Formats and Editions
1. Strut My Stuff - Slim Redman
2. Waitin' in Line - Bobby Rutledge
3. Haywire Jones - Freddie Frank
4. Get a Move on, Baby - Leon Tassin
5. You've Been Honky Tonkin' - Joe Lewis (3)
6. Live Live Live - Cliff Shepherd
7. Leave My Gal Alone - Bill White
8. I'm Back in the Army - Tani Allen
9. The D.J. Blues - Hank Harral 1
10. Women Drivers - Weldon Rogers 1
11. My Inlaws Made An Outlaw Out of Me - Lou Millet 1
12. Dirty Jim Blues - Tex Cherry 1
13. South of San Antonio - Roy Harris 1
14. Living Too Fast - Ray Anderson 1
15. I May Not Be Able But I'm Willin' to Try - Chuck Ray 1
16. You Think It's Funny - Chuck Stacey 1
17. I Broke My Heart - Jimmy Simpson 1
18. Sweet Talking Baby - Carl Tanner 1
19. Baby You've Got Everything - Lee Nichols 2
20. Mustache on the Cabbage Head - Luke Gordon 2
21. She Loves Me Better - Riley Crabtree 2
22. Going Back (To My Baby) - Rex Rinehart 2
23. It's Not Easy to Forget - Roy Aldridge 2
24. Needle in a Haystack - Penny West 2
25. Get Your Feet on the Floor - Aubrey Bradford 2
26. Pretty Little Baby - Jimmie King 2
27. Don't You Lock Your Daddy Out - Hank the Drifter 2
28. Tattle Tattle Tale - Riley Crabtree 2
29. Four Leaf Clover - Billy Parks 3
30. Ole Jack Hammer Blues - Jimmie Lawson 3
31. They Went Around - Les ; Helen Tussey 3
32. Out of Gasoline - Chuck Rogers