We first introduced Haruka Nakamura's first full-length piano-based album 'Twilight' in 2010. The studio-recorded album was extolled and acclaimed by fans and critics alike in Japan. Building on the strengths and success of it's predecessor, Haruka Nakamura returns with his brand new 4th album, a 2 CD 106 minutes collection entitled 'Ongaku no Aru Fuukei'. Recorded at concert hall 'sensorium' in Tokyo, the album features the ensemble line-up of ARAKI Shin (saxophone, flute), Akira Uchida (saxophone), Rie Nemoto (violin) and isao saito (drums). The roots of the ensemble trace back to the recording of 'twilight' when Haruka Nakamura first invited each of the members to collaborate on the album 'twilight'. Since the release and with almost 4 years of extensive touring behind them, the group has since gone on to build a repertoire and develop a musical language of their own, mixing classical rigor with contemporary improvisation both formal and free. With Haruka Nakamura leading from the piano, they produce glowing sonorities and emotional resonances that are rich in detail and austerely beautiful.