2015 album from the British crust punk/thrash metal band. Featuring guest slots by the legendary recording maestro Andy Sneap (ex-Sabbat/Hell) and old timers Rob Miller and A-Droid (Amebix) Hellbastard seem to have 'come of age' with the tech available to them. Feral has a monolithic sound and layered production that betters 2013's Sons Of Bitches EP and 2009's full length The Need To Kill. Having come from the 'anarchist-punk' scene of the early `80s, Hellbastard plough forward with all the guts and artillery of a well tuned tank, but the musicianship and subtleties of their more 'peaceful' craft shine a much brighter light on the tracks that burst with intelligence and raw emotion. Feral has everything from all-out chunking metallic stomping and an academic lyrical lean towards misanthropy and the state of humanity as we currently know it.