Les Savy Fav has a reputation as a gonzo live act that couldn't quite put it all together in the studio, but more recent efforts (recorded with the help of Trans Am's Phil Manley and Up Records house engineer Phil Ek) suggest a change in fortune in the years following the group's uneasy 2001 full-length Go Forth. ""Hold on to Your Genre"" and ""Fading Vibes""-loose homages to Bauhaus and the British Invasion, respectively-sound huge, and nothing like the group that spent its early years breaking down Fugazi records and scrambling to reassemble the components. Initial pressings of the collection come with a DVD featuring audio tributes from David Cross and others, slick homemade videos, and concert footage of Harrington with sweat cascading down his chest and odd patches of hair sprouting everywhere but on his glistening scalp-all offering irrefutable proof of the group's alien sex appeal.