Gripping, noir-flavored drama stars John Garfield as Joe Morse, a lawyer who traded principles for success and now works for a powerful New York mobster seeking to drive the city's small-time numbers rackets-including one run by Morse's brother-out of business by any means necessary. Thomas Gomez, Marie Windsor, and Roy Roberts also star. 79 min. Standard; Soundtracks: English DTS 5.1, DTS Lossless stereo; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; theatrical trailer; more.
Gripping, noir-flavored drama stars John Garfield as Joe Morse, a lawyer who traded principles for success and now works for a powerful New York mobster seeking to drive the city's small-time numbers rackets-including one run by Morse's brother-out of business by any means necessary. Thomas Gomez, Marie Windsor, and Roy Roberts also star. 79 min. Standard; Soundtracks: English DTS 5.1, DTS Lossless stereo; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; theatrical trailer; more.
Gripping, noir-flavored drama stars John Garfield as Joe Morse, a lawyer who traded principles for success and now works for a powerful New York mobster seeking to drive the city's small-time numbers rackets-including one run by Morse's brother-out of business by any means necessary. Thomas Gomez, Marie Windsor, and Roy Roberts also star. 79 min. Standard; Soundtracks: English DTS 5.1, DTS Lossless stereo; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; theatrical trailer; more.