Thriving in the rich performance art culture of Portland, OR, is Chelsea Unicorn and ClickAttack's music project Unicorn Domination. The duo weaves a soundscape of fat electronic beats spliced with melodic hooks. They demonstrate an expressive live performance, exuding a superhero persona with a popping delivery. Their self titled 2010 e.p. invokes the dark edge of triphop and shoegaze with a smooth spread of ambient synths. Their debut album "Status" released February 2012 is reminiscent of a crispy bowl of skittles and glitter. Both members collaborate to compose their original tracks. A Portland native, Chelsea spent most of her early life in the visual arts, obsessively devouring music. She is a prolific painter and song writer and releasing a self titled acoustic e.p. 2007. In 2009 she released an e.p. called "Autonomous Device" in the music project Stereotech. She has worked as a studio artist recording vocals for bands such as Hockey, on the track "Learn to Loose". Her voice is resonent of bells, gliding through phases of soft and ethereal swells into sharp precision. Hailing from Mobile, Alabama, ClickAttack's musical style and on stage thunder deeply reflect the attitude and pulse of the dirty dirty. His animated character is like a breakfast of caffeine and pop-rocks. Clint uses southern hip hop, rock, marching band, and orchestral influences to carefully weild floor shaking beats.